"Michael Hunter I've still not figured out whether or not the Jewish remnant go into the millennium with upgraded bodies that last 1000 years, or are resurrected into their eternal bodies. There is a war at the end of the 1000 years, and perhaps some still have clay bodies. There is a passage that indicates that heretics in the millennium will only live to 100 years. From this passage, we get the idea that there are still tares, although the situation in the millennium is a step above this world." Michael's excellent response (I agree 100%). Michael Hunter "John Burket You have some good questions, John. Yet, the Lord does answer them in the Scriptures. Part of the problem comes from a misunderstanding regarding Israel's salvation during the Tribulation. From the very beginning, the true children of Abraham were the ones who came to Christ and received Him as their Messiah and the Savior of the world, and it was these firstfruits of Israel who became the Apostles and the first Jews to be saved from Christ's generation. We must remember that the Scriptures clearly state that there is no other name under Heaven whereby men can be saved other than the name of Jesus. Therefore, we must realize that every single person on Earth who has been saved (including every Jew) can only be saved through repentance, and by God's grace, through faith in Christ we may all be saved. This means that, when God declares that during the Tribulation, Israel as a nation will be saved, it will not be by rebuilding the Temple and reverting to Judaism. That continued rejection of Christ is precisely why God will allow the Antichrist to overthrow Israel and stand in their newly built temple demanding that the whole world worship him or die. Certainly, when that happens, many in Israel will realize that they have been deceived, flee Israel into the mountains and seek the Scriptures for the truth, but even then, their blindness will still remain until this time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. You see, John, salvation for Israel is not going to come during the Tribulation by Christianity converting to Judaism as some are teaching today. Just the opposite must happen. In order for the nation to be saved, Israel must come to Christ, not vise versa. The last of Israel to be redeemed will occur when Christ returns. ONLY THEN will the blindness of those of Israel who still remain alive be taken away. When they see Christ descending with the nail prints in His hands and feet and side, as brands snatched from the fires of hell, the spiritual eyes of the last of the nation of Israel to be saved will finally be opened to the truth of who Christ is, and they will finally mourn for the one they pierced and slew on the Cross, and, as the Scriptures say, a nation will be saved in a day. Regarding the Millennium, once Satan is gone, the curse upon the Earth will go with him, so all of the animals and vegetation will revert back to their state of being "very good" and the planet's ecosystem will be restored to a much more robust state than it now is. The longevity of those who enter the Millennium still in their natural bodies will be greatly increased to what it was during Noah's day before the flood. Death will still occur among those who choose to pursue evil, but a person will still be considered a child if they die when they are a hundred years old. Remember, God is a God of life, and it is Satan who has the power of death and wants to kill everyone. Without the Devil, only the wicked of humanity will die from various causes during the Millenium. The one big problem that will arise during the Millennium is that all who enter the Millenium in their natural mortal state and all of their descendants will still be corruptible, still have the knowledge of evil in their nature, still be capable of sinning, and that is why Christ and the resurrected saints will have to rule over mankind with an iron hand during the first thousand years of Christ's reign, so evil does not begin to prosper once again. Some wonder why God would ever let Satan return after a thousand years to once again deceive humanity, but I believe that is because God is going to forever justify eradicating evil from God's kingdom forever and answer every excuse of mankind for sinning. People today often try to excuse the evil that they do by blaming it on their upbringing, or environment, or mistreatment from others, or poverty, or a myriad of other excuses to absolve themselves of responsibility for the evil that they do. However, during the Millennium, God is going to prove to mankind that, even if humanity has perfect health, long life, prosperity, just laws and rulers, and even if the entire planet around us is "very good", as long as the knowledge of evil remains within the heart of man, it will eventually corrupt, and attempt to destroy all that is good. You see, for the righteous, the Millennium will be paradise, but evil will not be permitted, and whenever evil is practiced, it will be rapidly, justly and severely judged and dealt with, and most of humanity who remain in their natural state during that thousand years will HATE that they will not be permitted to do evil, and when they do disobey, they will be punished. Consequently, when Satan is allowed to return, the wicked of that generation (and the Scriptures tell us that there will be multitudes-most of humanity) will once again be deceived by the Devil, accept Satan as their leader and attempt one last time to overthrow Christ and the saints of God. At that time, God will recall all those who are His back to Jerusalem, and all the wicked who surround the city will be destroyed before they can attack Jerusalem. Then, Satan will be cast into the Lake of fire, and at the Great White Throne Judgement, all who chose darkness over light, evil over good will be cast forever into the Lake of Fire along with the Devil whom they serve, From that day forward, God is going to make all things new. God is not going to build His eternal kingdom upon the ruins and bones of thousands of years of death and destruction. God says that the universe which exists now will be burned up and God will create a new heavens and Earth. We will all be transported to the Heavenly Jerusalem while this is going on, and when the new Earth is ready, we shall all descend with Earth's new eternal capital city and from then on, only the goodness of God will prevail forever throughout His kingdom. All evil will be eradicated forever from humanity. There will be no more sorrow, sadness, darkness or death ever again, and even the memory of the evils of the past will be eradicated from all of God's children, and as for the things that await all those who love God, our eyes have never seen, nor has it even entered into our hearts yet all of the wondrous things that God has prepared for those who love Him. Get ready. Jesus is coming soon to call and "catch up" those who love Him. Are you ready today, friends?❤